using torn socks

Sewing and using torn socks is not a shame!

Why using torn socks ? Did you know that we need 20000 liters of water to produce 1 pair of jeans (Linke) and it pollutes many sources of water in the world? In general, the clothing industry is one of the most harmful industries. Unfortunately, mass production of clothes and fashion addiction have made people not think about reusing or repairing cloths, like we were doing in the past. But a catastrophe is happening.

As the human population grows exponentially, so does the demand for more clothing and more water resources. Optiwee has a simple idea: if you practice and promote this idea (with the hashtag we_are_optiwee) we will be of great help to the environment.

using torn socks is not a shame
using torn socks is not a shame

Why should we repair and reuse old socks?

One of the most important problems that happens to every human being is the holes in our socks! Usually the tip of the sock and the part where the fingertips fit get some holes. In such cases, the socks are usually thrown away and quickly replaced with a new model because this wearable is not very expensive. But it is not a question of price and cost. It is about respecting the environment, conserving water resources and decreasing energy consumption.

When an old sock is thrown away, in fact, a lot of water is consumed and polluted, harmful dyes and chemicals are used, a lot of fossil fuels are burned and turned into energy. So if you care about these, please implement this idea and share it with your friends (with the hashtag #we_are_optiwee).

repair and reuse old socks
repair and reuse old socks

How to sew a perforated sock and put it on again?

Socks are usually torn from the front and where the toes are. To repair and repair this part, it is enough to have access to a simple needle and thread and turn the sock upside down in a fun way, and then sew the torn area according to the pictures and videos in this post. Remember that you should not think about sewing your torn socks at the last minute, but it is better to do it at a a relaxing moment, while listening to soft music.

How to sew a perforated sock and put it on again
How to sew a perforated sock and put it on again

Where to wear old repaired socks?

If you ask me, I must say that sewing and using torn socks is not a shame! Rather, it is honorable and it can be worn everywhere and it gives you a good opportunity to promoted the idea.

But some may be a little more sensitive. These people can wear repaired socks at work or anywhere they do not take their shoes off, and use new socks at parties and special occasions. Finally, take photos and videos of your repaired socks and send them to us at info@optiwee or send it to us on Instagram and Facebook with the ID @optiwee so we can publish them for you.

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